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Manpower Solution

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SKT Consultancy are pleased to introduce ourselves as one of the leading Manpower Consultancy organization in Kolkata. We are specialized in providing recruitment services to various industry verticals for different categories from junior, middle & senior level. Our concern is to place the right person for the right job in different sectors as per their skill, career choice and also to satisfy the needs of the clients. On the other hand we also provide different training programs as per clients needs through different training methodologies such as lectures, presentations, games, case studies, role plays, questionnaires, face to face interaction, group activities.

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Job Analysis

Job Analysis is the basis for selecting the right candidate.

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Recruitment refers to the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in an organisation.

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We help companies navigate their manpower requirements and provide them with effective solutions for their company.

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We believe in leading from the front displaying our integrity with the use of facts to support our candid talks. We are duty bound in order to deliver qualitative output, which makes us recognizable in our domain..

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Value for time

We ensure all our projects and client needs are met out on time. It has always been our primary objective of creating a proven track record bearing authentication.

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Modest price

We have always proved to be one of the cost-effective manpower service providers, believing in diligence and client satisfaction.

Organizations need a systematic approach to implement and manage effective payroll operations.
payroll management

Organizations need a systematic approach to implement and manage effective payroll operations. From processing salaries to tax deductions, time & leave management, compliance with statutory regulations, and compensation benefits, combined with the highest standards of data security and privacy. It helps streamline and centralize the salary payments of the organization. 

We partner with our clients to standardize their compensation strategies and policies, guide them to adopt best practices, analyze, and report. We provide tailormade payroll services.  We navigate the employee classification process while absorbing all the relationship management and clerical work associated with indirect hires, assuming payroll liabilities, and insulating our clients from sensitive co-employment issues.

Fully managed payroll benefits: minimize risks, lower costs, and focus efforts to business growth. 

  • Resource optimization

  • Administrative relief

  • Flexibility and cost savings


Historical payroll checks : 


  • We minimize your workload: you approve payroll input, we process the payroll

  • Changes to employee details, and legislation updates included.

  • Liaison with labor and tax authorities

  • Allocated Account Manager

  • Employment contract

  • Onboarding and terminations

  • Payroll calculations

  • Payment of employee wages

  • Payment of all employer’s tax liabilities, local taxes, employees withholding tax, etc. 

  • Managing statutory and enhanced benefits

  • Keeping abreast of personnel records




Manpower outsourcing is a practice in which a company hires or enters a contract with an external company,
manpower outsourcing

Manpower outsourcing is a practice in which a company hires or enters a contract with an external company, agency, or service provider to carry out specific business operations or functions.Organizations most often struggle with managing an optimal workforce. As a consulting partner, we provide our clients predictive insights for an ideal manpower strength for the long-term. Our deep-rooted understanding of the client’s business also positions us to swiftly adjust workforce basis our analysis of their requirements quickly and easily.

Understanding what drives our outsourcing clients is key. We design unique solutions to help our clients become more competitive by sizing adequately and helping them make the most from a productive and efficient flexible workforce.

We have optimal staffing solutions for organizations, ensuring a perfect match of the best of talent with companies. We spend a lot of time making the matches. That, we believe, is time well spent 

We cover flexible workforce planning, talent attraction, recruitment process, talent development and productivity management.

We carry out training assessments, upskilling, and reskilling programs for their teams. This, we believe, is the crux of organizational development and employee career enhancement. 

Manone offers specific, need-based solutions to its clients in the form of Project-based recruitments. We handhold clients right from the very first step of defining the organization structure, to identifying the right talent, and even assisting them in on-boarding and induction of the new members in the organization. Such solutions are most aptly suited to organizations which are at a nascent stage, or the organizations which are looking for expansions. 

Integrated Facility Management

Integrated facility management (IFM) is the consolidation of facility management efforts under a single, unified team. This includes contracts, vendor partnerships, space management, and real estate planning.

IFM isn’t a radical idea, although it may feel like one. Think about the transition to today’s facility management mindset. Data is organized and aggregated across the spectrum. The same goes for managing facilities. Separating management tasks, duties, and resources isn’t the answer. IFM brings them together.

If IFM’s meaning has roots in cohesion, it also has rippling effects of the same caliber. Depending on your current facilities management strategy, making the move to an IFM approach means closing process gaps and controlling costs. Here are a few IFM transition examples:

  • Terminate small-vendor contracts in favor of consolidated services with a larger vendor

  • Consolidate facilities management duties by delegating oversight to key team members

  • Upgrade technologies to reduce manual tasks

  • Outsource facilities management operations to a single company or in-house team of qualified experts

The level of IFM varies in scope, but the concept remains the same. The goal is to reduce and eliminate costs, barriers, mistakes, and redundancies.

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